Download service for Airbase data

Update 03.04.2019: Beta version of the Airbase downloadservice published

The Airbase download service covers historic data from the year 2000 to 2012 (both including). The download service is based on pre-prepared csv files and the service helps you to extract the list of files to be downloaded matching your search criteria based on our meta database. Count of files available per year and country

Download form

The form below will help you to build the request URL to get the list of files to download matching your criteria.
Before executing the URL it is possible to refine the request, e.g. by adding a specific station or leaving a parameter blank.

For all countries, see note below.
City name
Please, be aware that not every pollutant is reported by every country why the pollutant list depends on the selected country.
Year from
Year to
Output type
Update date
Optional, format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. To be used when only files created or updated after a certain date is of interest.

Note: The form above is only to help build the request URL. Executing the request URL will return a list of URL's identifying the individual files to download.
A parameter can also be left blank, e.g. if all files from a country are requested, the pollutant parameter is left blank like:

Sample file

The files are provided as comma separated files, see this sample:

Additional parameters

Besides the parameteres available in the form above the parameters below can also be used:

Station : If only data from a specific station is needed, use this parameter to specify the station localid. See also EoICode
EoICode : If only data from a specific station is needed, use this parameter to specify the station EoI code. Pay attention to the difference between Station and EoICode. The station localid was introduced in the e-Reporting schema, while the EoI code was the main entity in Airbase. Logically they are the same, but the naming can be different. An example of a station localid is 'STA-CZ0BBDN' while the EoI code in this case is 'CZ0BBDN'.
Samplingpoint: If only data from a specific samplingpoint is needed, use this parameter to specify the samplingpoint localid
Undelivered : A correct delivery of data to EEA consists of both metadata (dataflow D) and data (dataflow E). In some cases we get a new delivery of metadata (dataset D) which do not include old metadata, e.g. a samplingpoint is missing, but data in dataset E continues to refer to this samplingpoint. In this case the data are flagged as 'Undelivered=1' meaning that in principle metadata are missing. It stays flagged as 'Undelivered=1' until a new dataset D including the missing samplingpoint have been received. However, the metadata was delivered in a previous delivery of dataset D so we still consider the data to be valid. Warning: In some rare cases this can lead to overlapping timeseries. Valid values for the Undelivered flag are: blank (default) - ignore, 0 - metadata included in last dataset D, 1 - metadata missing in last dataset D.
To identify a specific station and or samplingpoint localid, we recommend to use one of the viewers available in the air quality portal (, e.g the UTD viewer

How to download all the files?

This service will provide a list of URL from where each file can be downloaded, and depending on the user need (and number of files) the output can be requested as HTML or TEXT. Below are some possible options for download:

1) Click on each file (use the HTML output option) and download to a local folder
2) Install an extension in your browser (e.g. Multi-File Downloader in Chrome) which makes it easy to download all files from a web page (use the HTML output option)
3) Use the TEXT output option and make a script which goes through the list and downloads each file
About the data

The concept of "AQ station - pollutant - measurement European group code" from AirBase data has been mapped to concept of sampling point of the new AQ e-Reporting system to allow continuity between these two data sets. The AirBase data are static and will not be updated in the future. If countries resubmit AQ time series for years before 2013, we will manage the data within AQ e-Reporting system and it will be available in another download service (

Content of files
CountrycodeStringCountry iso code
NamespaceStringUnique namespace as provided by the country
AirQualityNetworkStringNetwork identifier
AirQualityStationStringLocalid of the station
AirQualityStationEoICodeStringUnique station identifier as used in the past AirBase system
SamplingpointStringLocalid of the samplingpoint
SamplingpointStringLocalid of the samplingpoint
SamplingProcessStringLocalid of the samplingprocess
SampleStringLocalid of the sample (also known as the feature of interest)
AirPollutantStringShort name of pollutant. Full list:
AirPollutantCodeStringReference (URL) to the definition of the pollutant in data dictonary
AveragingTimeStringDefines the time for which the measure have been taken (hour, day, etc)
ConcentrationValueThe measured value/concentration
UnitOfMeasurementStringDefines the unit of the concentration
DateTimeBeginDatetimeDefines the start time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Z) of the measurement (includes timezone)
DateTimeEndDatetimeDefines the end time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Z)of the measurement (includes timezone)
ValidityIntegerThe validity flag for the measurement. See
VerificationIntegerThe verification flag for the measurement. See

The join between timeseries files and the metadata file should be be made using the Countrycode (or Namespace) and SamplingPoint.

CountrycodeStringCountry iso code
NamespaceStringNamespace of network
AirQualityNetworkStringNetwork identifier
AirQualityStationStringLocalid of station
AirQualityStationNatCodeStringNational code of station
AirQualityStationEoICodeStringStation EoI code as used in the past AirBase system
AirQualityStationAreaStringReference to area code. Full list at
SamplingPointStringLocalid of samplingpoint
SamplingProcessStringLocalid of process
SampleStringLocalid of sample (also known as feature of interest)
BuildingDistanceIntegerDistance to building (m). Value of -999 indicate unknown
EquivalenceDemonstratedStringReference to demonstrated equivalence. Full list at
InletHeightIntegerHeight of inlet (m). Value of -999 indicate unknown
KerbDistanceIntegerDistance to kerb (m). Value of -999 indicate unknown
MeasurementEquipmentStringRefernce (URL) to measurement equipment
MeasurementTypeStringReference to measurement type (full list at
MeasurementMethodStringReference to measurement method (full list at
AirPollutantCodeStringReference (URL) to pollutant definition in data dictionary
AirPollutantStringShort pollutant name measured at this samplingpoint
AirQualityStationTypeStringShort name of station type (full list at
ProjectionStringReference to projection
LongitudeDecimalLongitude of samplingpoint
LatitudeDecimalLatitude of samplingpoint
AltitudeIntegerAltitude of samplingpoint (m)

Extract of metadata (file is updated on daily basis):

More information on air quality: