Publishing Services from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Server Standalone

This guide walks you through the steps to publish a map service from ArcGIS Pro to an ArcGIS Server standalone. Follow each step to successfully share your GIS data as a web service.



Learn how to publish a map service from ArcGIS Pro to an ArcGIS Server standalone.


  • ArcGIS Pro installed and licensed.
  • Access to an ArcGIS Server standalone.
  • Proper permissions to publish services on the server.

Connect ArcGIS Pro to the Server

Connect ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Server

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Go to the Catalog pane.
  3. Right-click on Servers and select Add ArcGIS Server. Connect to ArcGIS Server
  4. Provide the server's URL and credentials. You can check the full list of available servers in the EEA Publishing guidelines document. URL Credentials

Verify the Connection

Ensure that the server connection appears in the Servers section of the catalog.

Prepare Data in ArcGIS Pro

Open Project and Add Data

  1. Open an existing project or create a new one in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Add the layers (e.g., shapefiles, feature classes) you wish to publish to your map.

Configure Layer Properties

Review layer properties, such as symbology and projection, which will impact how the service is visualized.

Publish a New Service

Locate the Server and Publish the Service

  1. In the Catalog pane, go to the Servers section to view the list of available servers.
  2. Right-click on the server where you want to publish the service and select Publish.
  3. Select the type of service you want to publish depending on your needs and your data. Publish

Select the Map to Publish

  • A new window will open, listing all available maps in your ArcGIS Pro project.
  • Select the map you wish to publish as a service.

Configure Service Details & Capabilities

  • Name & Folder: Enter a name for your service and select the folder on the server.
  • Capabilities: Select capabilities (e.g., WMS, Feature Access) required for your service.

Overwrite an Existing Service

Locate and Overwrite the Service

  1. If you need to republish or update an existing service, locate the service in the Servers section of the Catalog.
  2. Right-click on the service and choose Overwrite.
  3. Follow the prompts to update the service with new data or settings. Overwrite

Analyze and Optimize

Analyze Before Publishing

  • Click Analyze to check for any warnings or errors before publishing.
  • Address any reported issues (e.g., missing data, incorrect projections).

Optimize for Performance

Consider optimizing data and symbology to enhance service performance.

Publish the Service

Publish the Web Layer

  • After addressing analysis issues, click Publish.
  • Wait for the publishing process to complete, which may take some time depending on data size.

Confirm Successful Publishing

Once published, ArcGIS Pro will display a confirmation message with a link to the service.

Test the Published Service

Access the Published Service

  • Open a web browser and go to the service's URL.
  • Ensure the map or data layers are accessible and display correctly.

Test Service Functionalities

If you enabled additional capabilities (e.g., WMS), test their functionalities.

Conclusion & Best Practices

Service Maintenance

Regularly monitor and maintain your service to ensure data is up-to-date and performance is optimal.

Best Practices

  • Optimize data before publishing for efficient service performance.
  • Use logical server folders to organize and manage services effectively.